Wonderful personality, positive outlook, a very dependable person, hard worker and a great motivator are the attributes to best describe Shaun D. Francois I, the successful president of Local 372. After working N.Y.C. Department of Education for over 25 years in various different titles, on August 2014, Shaun D. Francois I, was elected the new President of Local 372, the largest local in District Council 37 (D.C. 37) with a membership of over 24,000. President Francois also was elected Vice President of D.C. 37 in November 2014.
President Francois’ ascension to the Presidency began over 25 years ago when he accepted a position with the New York City Department of Education (D.O.E.), formerly known as the New York City Board of Education, as a Substitute Senior School Lunch Helper. However, in the 1980’s as a teenager, President Francois paid a visit to D.C. 37 and was impressed by the activism and dedication of the membership. This visit ignited a desire to belong to a union and to fight for his fellow man.
President Francois held several titles within the D.O.E.: Permanent Senior School Lunch Helper; Assistant Cook; and Loader and Handler. While being an exemplary employee, he also became very active in the labor movement whereby he provided a strong voice for those who were otherwise voiceless. Never being one to shy away from a challenge, he did not accept any intolerance or injustice at the work place. Quickly his fellow employees took notice and elected him to various leadership positions within the union, such as Secretary for Monthly/Annual School Lunch Helpers and later Chairperson of that same chapter, Shop Steward for many years, Executive Board Member representing Monthly/Annual School Lunch Employees. Thereafter, President Francois’ leadership abilities earned him the opportunity to become Secretary of Local 372’s Cultural Committee. Realizing however, that the future of the labor movement is inextricably linked to labor activism, President Francois placed a laser focus on mentoring and recruiting new members. As such, he became the first Chairman of Local 372’s Next Wave Committee, which was created for the purpose of preparing the next generation of union leaders. With Francois’ recent victory, he became the first “Next Waver” to be elected to high office.
President Francois has set many ambitious goals including protecting the rights of workers and eliminating income inequality. He has launched a campaign focused on increasing the minimum wage to $15 for Local 372’s lowest paid workers, and therefore ensuring that every worker has an opportunity to enhance their lives.
In his first 3 years of presidency, Shaun D. Francois I, achieved many goals for his union. He signed a contract with the Mayor of New York City to increase the salaries of more than 2300 School Crossing Guards (lowest payed employees with in the union). He restored and reinstated then depleted Severance Related Fund which provides health benefits to the retirees and their families. He made history by creating Level II, full time supervisory position for School Crossing Guards, first time ever in the entire country. Every single year he was able to get, by strong legislation, additional funding for SAPIS Counselors towards reaching his goal of having SAPIS Counselor in every single public school in NYC. He put together a state-of-the art Mobile Van which is equipped to service the members on their work site. He added extra School Representatives to more efficiently service the members. His main goal is to make Local 372 great again, he wants his members to feel strong knowing that there is a union fighting on their behalves. He pledges not to rest, until all Local 372 members have a fair, comfortable and good paying job positions.
* President of District Council 37
* Member of D.C. 37 Sub and Finance Committee
* Member of AFSCME Federal Policy Committee
* Alternate Trustee on the New York City Board of Retirement System (BERS)
* President of American Association of Classified School Employees (AACSE)
* An active member of the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA)
* A Delegate on the New York City Central Labor Council
* An active member of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionist (CBTU)
* Officer At-Large of International CBTU Executive Council
* Member of National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
* Chairperson of D.C 37 Disability Advisory Committee
* A First Graduate Alumni of Latino Leadership Institute in 2012